Eric Gisler


Athens - Oconee

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About Me

I was born and raised in Atlanta, educated at Georgia Southern University and the University of Georgia, and have lived in the current District 121 for 21 years.

I am 48 years old, I have 2 children, I own The Olive Basket in Athens, and I am a Group Product Manager for an Insurance Tech Startup based in New England.

Like many, I was inspired to become politically active after Trump was elected in 2016. Since then I have been very involved in Oconee county politics, including running for Board of Commissioners Chair in 2020, Co-Chair of the Oconee Democrats, Democratic Party of Georgia member, and co-founder of The 2030 Project.

I am deeply committed to Democratic policies, making Georgia better for all its citizens and not only saving American Democracy, but fixing it so it works for everyone.

My Platform

Elections / Gerrymandering

The GOP has been attacking our Elections System for years and the damage needs undoing, starting with an Independent Redistricting Commission

Voters should choose their representation, NOT the other way around


Georgia is the worst state in the US for healthcare

Passing Medicaid expansion is critical to reducing healthcare costs, increasing healthcare access, and creating better healthcare outcomes in Georgia


Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. Roe vs. Wade worked for 50 years and should be restored as soon as possible. I support a GA State Constitutional amendment guaranteeing a woman’s right to chose


Georgia public schools are funded by a Quality Basic Education (QBE) formula from 1985. That’s before the Internet existed

School vouchers are not a way to address struggling schools, they only make the problem worse. It is past time that we funded schools properly to address the root cause of problems in our education system


I understand the 2nd Amendment and it’s guarantees. I also understand that gun deaths in this country are unacceptably high. I support law abiding citizens’ ability to exercise their rights, but safeguards like universal background checks and red flag laws that ensure due process are critical to reducing gun deaths in Georgia

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